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Category: Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton

Paris Checks Herself Into Jail Early!!!

Never one to let another’s headline overpower her own, Paris Hilton made herself the biggest story of last night by reporting to serve her jail sentence after leaving the MTV Movie Awards, two nights earlier than scheduled. She issued the following statement:

“I am ready to face the consequences of violating probation. During the past few weeks, I have had a lot of time to think and have come to realize I made some mistakes. This is an important point in my life and I need to take responsibility for my actions. In the future, I plan on taking more of an active role in the decisions I make. I want to thank my family, friends and fans for their continued support. Although I am scared, I am ready to begin my jail sentence.”

TMZ caught the video (Kathy Hilton’s window conspicuously left open so photographers could get the shot) of Paris getting driven into the facility. To hear more details of Paris’ next 23 days and last night on the town just

Naturally, the heiress looked somber and scared as she reported for her time in the clink. For the next 23 nights, Paris will be in the big house and contrary to earlier reports, she will spend 23 hours/day in solitary confinement. I assume some feisty photogs will do their very, very best to get pictures during that one free hour every day.

So much for her last night out. Paris’ time at the MTV awards seemed decidedly sucky. Consensus was she looked great, but after an awkward red (pink) carpet interview with SuChin, Sarah Silverman took some low blows at P in her opening monologue. I’m sure that Paris is used to being the punchline (how could she not), but Sarah’s jabs seemed a touch unnecessary. The only other notable mention of Hilton during the night was when Dane Cook joked about how Paris left in a huff and checked herself into jail early. Funny cause it’s kind of true.
