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Marilyn Manson Talks Sex with Justin Timberlake’s Mom

Marilyn Manson shocked Justin Timberlake’s mom by discussing a TV sex documentary he had seen.

The 38-year-old goth rocker bumped into Justin and his mother Lynn while the ‘SexyBack’ singer was on tour.

Manson told BBC Radio 1: “I met Justin Timberlake and I liked him. I met his mother too. He brings her on tour with him, I guess as some sort of prop.

“When we met I had just watched this sex documentary, unfortunately for his mother, and the first thing I said to her was ‘Did you know that a woman has three holes between their legs?’ She was fascinated.”

Manson also revealed he has “a fascination with Justin Timberlake”, and he carries a picture of the former *NSYNC star with him wherever he goes.

Manson’s sixth studio album ‘Eat Me, Drink Me’ is due for release next month.


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